Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The morning started off waking up to the unpleasant sound of rain. After a quick breakfast we scurried off to a beach looking for worms. We spent fourty-five minutes looking for a variety of worms. Much to our dismay, the rain drove us out and we quit early, heading back to dry off and go to the lab, where we studied the specimens more closely. Our task was to make an identification chart in which we could identify and class all the various types of worms. After our lunch (chicken burgers), we returned to the research facility, and we were give a one hour tour of the museum section of the building where had a hands on experience with the different animals in the bay of fundy. After that, we went back down to the lab, this time to study the indentification of invertibates. We were each given five different sea animals and told to class the into their respective categories and species. We were then guided to the lecture room, where we were showed a fascinating documentary about the different squid of the pacific ocean. After the film, our attention was captivated by a sign that said "surgeon tank". We discreetly split off from the teachers and went to investigate this giant jar of huge fish. After a good twenty minutes of playing with them and valiant efforts to flip one of them, we walked back to the lodge. After dinner, we are going to have a presentation about whales and sea birds.

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