Saturday, September 8, 2012

Everybody hey. At the beginning of our day, we awoke to a really wet morning. The appearance That it had rained made us want to snooze for another hour or so but it was time to get down to the Lab. We all gulped down our breakfasts began the trek to the lab. The walk down was really hazy from the dense fog that surrounded us and made everything seem to disappear as the distance between objects grew. When I remembered the sight of what we where going to be dissect this morning I still smell the terrible scent of the fish that we needed to explore. We finished the lab we rushed off tho catch the fairy to pick up the others at deer island. The fairy ride was nice and the sight of where the kayaking place was, was even more spectacular. I learned the story of an old fishing house that was condemned because of its lack of structural integrity. The story is a bit too long but to shorten it, It was and old man's fishing storage house that he left because he was too old and the house and everything in it left to rot. I personalty felt like a kid in a candy shop because I love to fish and to see all this old fishing gear was a really cool sight. Hope to see that place again next year.
By: Mathew de Marchie

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