Today we went down to the lab first thing in the morning were we did experiments on the turn over time of a sea star and of a sea urchin. The idea of the experiment was to see how the size of the sea star affected its ability to turn over from its back to its stomach. After do this to the sea stars we then used sea urchins which was much slower at turning over. We then worked on our group projects. After lunch we went kayaking where some of us got a bit wet well others got a bit more then some. On our adventure we saw a seal and we raced across the bay - The 4 Huntsman boys
Ce soir autour du feu, les garçons nous ont révélé la vérité sur leur niveau de bravoure! Hier soir, nos 4 braves Gryphons ont regardé des épisodes de Sherlock Holmes et l'écran de leur ordinateur les ont fait sursauter a plusieures reprises.
We did set up two shelters by our fire to sleep outside tonight with the bats that were enjoying our camp fire with us. I am anxious to see if they will be more brave with the bats than they were last night in front of their computer screen!Tomorrow's blog will let you know!
From ''Bilingual New-Brunswick'' and like my grand father used to tell me before going to bed:
''Bonnne nuit, bons rêves, pas de puce, pas de punaise!''
(Stephanie Lynam et Jean Pruneau)
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